Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Little Nostalgia, a Long Fork and Lots of Cheese

Fondue is as simple to make as a toasted cheese sandwich, but more satisfying. I used to fondue back in the 70s and 80s. It sounds so good now! I believe I will start again, just using my cast iron pot like this author did. Definitely a high calorie meal, but oh so good on these terribly cold days. It was -8 degrees in my town this morning. Not mentioned in the article is melting chocolate in your fondue pot and dipping in various things like strawberries, orange slices, marshmallows, graham crackers, etc, just really anything you think you'd like to taste with chocoate!!!! We also used to clarify butter and use it for fondue, dipping in slices of meat. If you use this, you need to make sure the butter in the fondue pot is hot enough to cook the meat, if you use raw pieces of meat, which is how we always did it. Otherwise, you could just precook some meat and dip in the clarified butter. Again, not a low calorie, low fat meal, but a splurge now and then can't hurt!!! Very impresssive to dinner guests too.

read more | digg story

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