Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Author of an EXTREMELY good book who everyone should have

"The Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker

Gavin de Becker (born October 26, 1954) [1] is an American specialist in security issues, especially for governments, corporations, and celebrities.
He is designer of the MOSAIC Threat Assessment Systems used to screen threats to Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, members of United States Congress, and senior officials of the Central Intelligence Agency. Along with the United States Marshals Service, he co-designed the MOSAIC system currently used for assessing all threats to Federal Judges and prosecutors.
He was twice appointed to the President's Advisory Board at the United States Department of Justice, and he served two terms on the Governor's Advisory Board at the California Department of Mental Health.
de Becker is the author of three best-selling books, The Gift of Fear, Protecting the Gift, and Fear Less.
He is Senior Fellow at the UCLA School of Public Affairs and a Senior Advisor to the Rand Corporation on public safety and justice matters.
He was the owner of a Los Angeles house at which George Harrison died of cancer in November 2001.

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